Our Wapato Campsite
Saturday, May 16th
The weather is perfect with temps in the mid 70’s. Sun, sun, sun..even a little breeze now and then so it doesn’t get too hot. Marilyn and Gene went fishing this morning. We went for a walk. Marilyn finally beat Judy at Bananagrams, but this wasn’t the thing that made Judy unhappy. We were sitting under a tree filled with birds, enjoying their songs. We did not enjoy a few other natural occurrences. After the 3rd “deposit” we decided we’d better move the game before real disaster occurred. When they went out for a walk with the dogs, we went geocaching up in the hills. We found 2, but decided to forgo the ones that were 12 miles down bumpy dirt roads. (since we’d already been on one). When we returned, Harris took Judy on a longer bike ride, the 3.6 mile one, and she actually finished it without resorting to walking her bike up any (admittedly small) hills. Then he took off again for a longer ride. We also took the boat out for some drifting in the sun. We watched the fish jump, but no one seemed to be catching any. We all debated about going to another winery or two, but were too comfortable to move. Marilyn brought salmon along for dinner…good thing since the trout aren’t plentiful! They are going to be packing up to go home tomorrow, and we’re heading north a bit towards Winthrop. Sure hope this weather continues! Sunseekers are happy.
Judy directing the boat toward camp
Friday, May 15th
Finally, some sun and temps in the upper 60’s! It’s a gorgeous morning. Marilyn and Gene went out fishing early in the morning. Marilyn caught a rainbow trout. We went for a short walk with Harris deciding that finally it was time for shorts. Harris then decided to try out the bikes. He went on the 3.6 mile loop, came back huffing that he was out of shape and promptly took off to do it again! Judy went on a much shorter ride later, agreeing with him about being out of shape. But we enjoyed the rides in the sun. We hung around the camp all day, reading, boating, biking, walking with the dogs, and eating good food. Marilyn provided the steaks, and Harris grilled them to perfection as well as providing some grilled prawn appetizers. Strawberry shortcake for dessert was an unexpected treat! Judy beat Marilyn at Bananagrams twice. We taught them Chicago Rummy, and Marilyn won that game. Harris lost big time which goes to prove that Judy doesn’t always lose at cards.
Harris driving back from geocaching
Thursday May 14th 2009
It rained during the night and the repair of the bath room vent seems to have worked in keeping out the water that had been seeping through. The weather was cold and breezy today but people kept telling us that it was due to improve for the weekend. The first order of business was for Gene and Marilyn to buy fishing licenses so they could catch dinner for all of us. Then it was off to the wineries. Marilyn and Gene are true wine connoisseurs and drink wine daily whereas the two of us drink it occasionally. Well, Harris drinks it whenever it’s served but can do without it. We were shown how the wine drinkers buy wine at a winery. After tasting the wines, Marilyn and Gene would put their heads together and moments later the order would sound out. Three of this and this and this and that. A case would be packed and put on the card and it was off to the next stop. If wines were good across the samples, they would sign up for the wine club and it was off to the next one. Since we took our van it was easy to stop and make lunch for the 4 of us. We picked one of the wineries to be our lunch spot and it was scenic as well as quiet. Back at the campground they rented a boat for the next 3 days and were off fishing while we went on our walk.
Marilyn made dinners for us on this trip. Wednesday night was spaghetti, Thursday night was a wonderful chicken marsala. They were tired after all the wine tasting, so we had an early night. Harris and Judy watched the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button in stages…some here, some there…and enjoyed it.
Harris in charge of the yacht
May 13th 2009
On the road again!
Harris was itching to go someplace in Howie and was delighted when Judy’s sister, Marilyn, mentioned a fishing trip that they were going to take in the Chelan area just before Memorial Day weekend. Candy and Rick wanted to go camping during the holiday so we decided to do both. Sure is nice being retired!
The spring in the Seattle area has been dismal. Might as well call it fall with all the wind storms, hail, rain, and lack of sun. There have been just enough (like 6 days) of warm sun to string us along thinking that spring was just around the corner. It’s been kind of like the Mariners this season which started off with a bang, (timely hitting, good pitching, great bull pen and first place for the first 6 weeks) and then found that someone had turned off the “play good baseball” switch and reverted to their untimely hitting, error laced fielding, anemic hitting, and what seems to be a major league record of hitting into double plays over a 10 game period. Anyway, getting back on topic here, we were more than ready to head over the mountains out of the gray and into the sunlight.
We had a couple of extra hours because Marilyn and Gene had to drive around via Tacoma. So we were able to take our morning walk and ease our way onto the highway. Even so we forgot a couple of small things like a cutting board and Tums. We really should make a list but Judy is so good in “Mommy mode” (did you pack …) that we keep putting it off. As we drove over the pass on highway 2 the trees reflected the recent dusting of snow and since traffic was light Harris decided to slow down and see how the mileage improved over the pass. Will note it when we fill up. As we approached Chelan we heard from Marilyn that their trip got off to a poor start with having to change a trailer tire before they left and while on top of Snoqualmie Pass suffered a tire blow out on yet another trailer tire. Gene thought that perhaps 11 years on a set of tires was pushing it. I agreed.
Since we had some additional time, we did 7 geocaches on western approach to Chelan. These were easy pull off and find caches but we were amused by the Frankenstein geocache which was a rectangular rock that was painted to bring out the Frankenstein features. We reached Kamei campground on Lake Wapato and were directed into 2 nice sites that was near perfect with nearby bathrooms and hot showers. All we need is THE SUN!! We arrived and the sun went away and the wind picked up. Harris and Gene took the dogs for a walk. While Judy supervised Marilyn cooked a great dinner of spaghetti, salad and bread. We just sat around, shooting the breeze for a while, then decided on an early night instead of cards. Marilyn and Judy did play a couple of games of Bananagrams while the guys were on their walk. Marilyn almost won, but Judy would not allow cheating.
Frankenstein Rock