Wednesday July29th
First, a little background on the cause of our latest adventure. Last Sunday Judy was looking at the news reports predicting that Seattle was going to experience record breaking temperatures exceeding 100 degrees for several days and decided that it was time to take a road trip to the coast. She figured that the coast was the only place to escape the heat. We headed out on Tuesday around noon. As we traveled southwest toward Long Beach, the temps rising to the mid 90’s, Harris flashed on an episode of the Twilight Zone where the earth was forced out of its regular orbit around the sun and everyplace on earth was heating up to the boiling point ( the episode ends with a woman waking up from her feverish dream and figuring out the world is really freezing because of the meteor knocking the earth of its course). We took pity on our daughter having to stay in Seattle and on our way we dropped off an extra fan at Tasha’s place.
The temps were still rising, all the way to 100 degrees on our dashboard thermometer, until we got to Aberdeen. Then they slowly began to fall. By the time we reached Long Beach, the temp was a very comfortable 76.
First Day's sunny beach weather

Long Beach claims to have the longest beach anywhere…about 25 miles of sand and surf. There is a great state park at the south end of the peninsula, which was already full. We drove through the little tourist town of Long Beach to find our RV park….prettier than most we passed, but still an RV park.
Wednesday, the mist and clouds rolled in. Who ever thought we’d be grateful for falling temps? We drove to the north end of the peninsula, where there is another park, although this one is very small and basically a place for trails to start. Along the way, Harris decided to stop for “just one cache, it’s right here”. Before we made it back to our park, he’d found nine! Judy spent an hour cruising the shops, and Harris parked and listened to the Mariners game while sipping on a rum and coke (The M’s won 3-2). We did some easy walking on the boardwalk that parallels the beach, with informative placards every once in a while. We found a good bakery and bought our dessert to take back to camp with us.
Long Beach's claim to fame

Thursday we thought the clouds would be gone, but nope….the mist continues. Again, we’re not griping! We’re thankful for the cool weather, as we know Seattle is still baking. We did a quick survey of the Cranberry Museum, but since Judy’s back was hurting, we didn’t linger. Judy decided to just lay low for the afternoon inside Howie, and Harris went geocaching on his bike. He’s rigged up a holder for his GPS on the handlebars, and found a great bike path along the beach. He logged 4 more geocaches before zipping back to camp. We went into town for a Mexican dinner, and visited the bakery again for dessert. We saw that the forecast for Seattle is in the mid 80’s so Friday morning we’re heading back…
The Mariners were stomped by Texas 7-1.
One of the more complicated cache holders...all this goes in the grey pipe

Harris biking/geocaching at Clarke's memorial tree