Steve made the promised cinnamon rolls this morning. We all got ready for the day while they were baking, then went on a walk across a part of their property. We headed for a geocache that is on a state lease section adjoining their property where Route 66 used to cross. The river there was flowing. Steve said it was running a lot more than usual because of the record snow they had had this year. It usually runs for a few days in the spring and then is gone. He had seen people geocaching on top of a rock outcropping, so we didn’t even need our GPS to find the cache this time.
After a great breakfast of rolls, eggs, pancakes, bacon and juice, we all piled in Pat’s Dodge Durango and drove to a place a few miles away on the Navajo reservation called the Grand Falls. These falls only appear in years of great rain or snow. The Little Colorado River was pouring with enormous power over wide steps and down to a canyon. Steve told us the falls are the biggest falls west of Niagara when they are running. The water was very brown from soil washed into it, and full of all kinds of debris. The road was extremely rough and rocky, but the falls were worth the drive.
When we returned to the ranch, we had lots of great leftovers for lunch, then drove on to Kingman. We wanted to get a little ahead of the bad weather that’s coming if we could. We played Phase 10 last night, and just for a change, Judy won.
We are saying goodbye to good weather. It’s been sunny and warm, and breezy with the wind since Judy arrived. Now the clouds are rolling in and storms are predicted. Sigh.
The Grand Falls

Monday, March 30, 2010 Day 112
We left Tucson today to go to Flagstaff. Candy has an aunt and uncle there that she likes to visit, and she enticed us to go with the promise of Steve’s cinnamon rolls. So….
The terrain Is always interesting to watch out the windows as we travel. Tucson is full of saguaro cacti everywhere you look. The hills are covered with them, other species of cactus and scrub brush. As we went north through Phoenix, the hills lost the saguaro cacti and seemed covered with just the scrub brush. The whole state is a lot greener than we’ve ever seen it because of all the rain and snow they had this year. As we climbed in elevation out of Phoenix, the scrub brush turned to scrub trees and then pine forests around Flagstaff. There was snow on the side of the road among the trees. What variety in just a few short hours of driving!
Candy’s Aunt Pat lives outside Flagstaff just off a freeway. They have a ranch there where they raise a few beef for their own use. They are very welcoming and gracious hosts. We had a big dinner and scrumptious desserts, watched a little of the weather channel and went to bed.
Walking along old Route 66

Sunday, March 29, Day 111
Picnic in Saguaro National Park
We had a lazy day, not much planned, but did decide to drive into the Saguaro National Park for a picnic. It’s close to the RV park, and a very different and interesting place to us northwesterners. The desert isn’t as brown this year as it usually is. There is a lot more green as you look across the hills. But the Saguaro cacti certainly dominate the landscape with their tall trunks, outstretched arms and weird shapes.
After our picnic, we went back to the park so Candy could do some laundry. The guys went off to barbeque the salmon. Candy went off to start the wash. Rick came back to check on things, and offered to change the laundry from washer to dryer. Great, says Candy, thanks! Rick comes back, looking a bit confused. He tells Candy the laundry is still in one washer, not even started. The machine next to it is spinning away….what’s the story? Did she use 2 machines? Oh no, says Candy, you must have looked at someone else’s stuff. Judy suggests she go to look with Rick, and they come back laughing. Candy had indeed started an empty machine. Oh well, she says, it’s a clean machine now!
Good dinners, good friends, different card games and different winners. Always a good time when Howie and Goldie get together!s
Candy and Steve showing their rolls

Saturday, March 27 Day 110
We went to an art fair today. Well, Candy, Rick and Judy went to the art fair. Harris went off geocaching around the area and found 4 caches in an hour. Judy found some pretty blue earrings, Candy bought a birdhouse and some lovely little quail figures as a surprise gift for Judy.
Carl and Anita had invited us all for dinner, and prepared their usual lavish feast. They are great hosts and we spent the evening enjoying wonderful food and company.
Friday, March 26 Day 109
Although we keep trying to get going earlier, it seems impossible to get on the road before 11. The RV park backs into Saguaro National Park, and several trails connect the two. We enjoy our morning walks on trails through all kinds of cacti and bushes. (Judy is glad the only wildlife we’ve seen on these walks so far are birds and rabbits.) When we finally leave, we head for Tombstone and Bisbee. We get to see a hokey reenactment of the gunfight at OK Corral. Candy is excited because she finds a little fudge shop that has the kind of licorice she likes and has been searching for. (It doesn’t take much to get her excited!) When we get to Bisbee it’s too late for the mine tour, but we enjoy strolling among the artsy shops. Harris asked for some recommendations for dinner, and we found a little Mexican restaurant.
Thursday’s site wasn’t very level, so we looked around and decided to move to a different spot on the side of the park. Bad idea. We knew there were chickens on the other side of the fence, but figured it couldn’t be too bad. Ha! The roosters woke us up about 3AM and didn’t stop crowing all morning. So, we are moving to the third spot in 3 days.
Looking for the cache

Thursday, March 25, 2010, Day 108
Lazy morning routine, breakfast, walk, showers, then off to Tucson. Candy decides to take the scenic route, which takes longer, but we finally arrive and find a spot in Desert Trails RV resort. The guys immediately go off to barbeque dinner. Candy and Judy go find Carl and Anita’s spot, and visit for a while until dinner is ready. Then of course, the card games begin.
The weather has been great. It’s warm and sunny, and the wind keeps it from getting hot. The nights are clear and full of stars. This is the reason we come to Arizona!
Wednesday March 24, 2010 (Day 107)
Harris picked up Judy at the airport about 11 AM. Yay! Together again! We drove back to the campground at Pleasant Harbor, had lunch, and hung around the pool. The weather was warm enough to go swimming, and laze around outside. Candy and Rick had gone somewhere to get internet service so Candy could submit her last assignment, and were gone most of the afternoon. When they returned we played shuffle board. (Rick and Harris won.) Then we headed for town and dinner. We ate at a great Italian place that served family style dinners. (big bowls of pasta, big bowls of salad, bread baskets, etc) It was great food and fast service, which was a good thing because the guys were anxious to get to the game. It was the first night game for Judy at that park…very different from sitting on the grass in the sun. We had great seats along the first baseline, which meant we had to duck a few foul balls. Alas, the Mariners lost to San Diego.
One of the trails outside the RV campground

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 (day 106)
Mariners win 6-4
Rick left early to pick up his wife Candy at the airport. Harris decided to go to a Mariners game alone to give the newly reunited couple a chance for some alone time. Harris said that it was too bad that Rick missed that game because Ichiro made one of the most fantastic catches he had ever seen. Ichiro was about 80 feet from him when at the crack of the bat Ichiro turned and ran toward the wall with his head arched straight back looking up at the sky, numbers facing home plate, when he jumped up and snatched the ball right out of the sky. He came crashing and sliding almost hitting fence. It was spectacular and earned a 2 minute standing ovation from the crowd. Too bad Harris didn’t have instant replay, BUT he was THERE! Later he espoused how that was what going to Spring Training was all about.
Harris and Rick stopped at a grocery store and picked up some items for grilling that night. As usual, they were at home gauging the readiness of the coals and determining the timing so everything was ready at the same time. Life is good.
A sea of RV's in Tucson

Steak Night 2 with Carl and Anita in Tucson

Judy and Candy looking for the cache

Monday March 22, 2010 (Day 105)
Rick has a little problem. Rick has a problem of losing things in his Eurovan Camper. He’s working on it, but at times it can be frustrating for him. A few days ago he told Harris that he’d lost a laundry bag full of clothes. Harris asked him how this was possible—little van, big bag. He had no idea. This mystery nagged at him as he lost a game of Phase 10 and trounced Harris in Bocce. He had taken everything out of the van and not found it. He had sat pondering how it could have walked away since the van had been sitting in place since he’d arrived at Pleasant Harbor (they’d taken Howie). After sleeping on the problem he had an “Eureka” moment and figured out that the bed had swallowed the bag. It had fallen through the crack and slid underneath the bed. All was well until… 2 days later Harris had placed the shower key on the edge of the bed in the morning after taking a shower. A few minutes later Rick asked Harris if he’d seen the key. You can probably figure out what came next. Rick took everything out of Goldie and temporarily placed the items in Howie. No luck. The key was still missing. Rick went to get a duplicate and take a shower. When he returned Harris mentioned that he had found the key and it was not possible that the key had slipped to its hiding place by itself. Rick must have put it there.” Where was it?” Rick asked and after playing “You’re getting warmer…it’s 2 feet…1 foot” The hiding place was under the rug inside Goldie. Harris said he was going to keep the key inside Howie so he could use it next year. Of course there were several comments about how they could remember where a key was after a whole year if they couldn’t keep track of it for a matter of minutes. They stopped on the way to the game to get sandwiches, a veggie for Rick and a turkey with havarti cheese for Harris. They were good. Dinner was cooked over a charcoal grill (brats for Harris and turkey drum sticks for Rick. )
The Mariners lost 2-7 (again). At least the weather at the park was awesome!!
Harris, Judy, Rick, Candy outside the OK Corral