Wednesday/Thursday July 14/15 (Days 138)
Marilynn was having her special 60th birthday and wanted us to spend Friday night with them. So we decided to visit our good friends Bob and Glenda Dehning near Shelton, and make a loop around the peninsula. Of course we waited until the last moment to prepare Howie for our trip. Thus it was late Tuesday night and Wednesday morning that we shoved in enough clothes and some roast beef with rolls and called it good. We left just after noon stopping once at a Costco for some lunch samples and we pulled in around 3:30. The weather was gorgeous. Summer finally came to the NW.
Hanging out in the front yard w/Bob and Glenda
We grabbed some chairs and plunked ourselves under one of the many shade trees in the Dehning’s front yard and “caught up” while sipping on some rum and cokes as some great looking salmon defrosted in the kitchen. Bob did a great job barbequing the salmon (his secret was Johnny’s special ranch and dill sauce found in Costco)and we enjoyed a great feast with our friends. We stayed up way too late talking (like we always do when visiting them), then went to sleep in their driveway.
Our dinner...very good!
We had decided to get up early, breakfast, and then take Bob and Glenda geocaching near their home. Bob and Glenda had never done this before, and really enjoyed doing it. Bob found the first cache, and Glenda gleefully found the next. We think we have some new converts.
Bob and Glenda's first cache
Since they had previous plans for the day, we drove on to Sequim to camp at Sequim Bay State Park for the night.
Some sky-divers we saw while caching
Memo to us… Reserve premium site #80 which has a fantastic water view and far below the road noise. We went for a short bike ride along the Olympic Discovery Bicycle trail, which goes right through the park and on to Port Angeles. Judy was grateful for the shade along the way, as usual when the sun is out! We went into the town of Sequim afterwards and did several more caches (10 total for the day) then got some dinner to bring back to camp.
A lunch stop on the way to Sequim
Bicycling along the Discovery bike trail