Well, that was a long night….lots of thunder and lightning, tons of rain, and a train right next to the camp. We kept thinking the thunder and lightning would surely pass over, but it continued all night and into the morning. We even drove Howie closer to the showers so we wouldn’t get too wet going back and forth. So, it was a quick morning routine, and we hit the road, hoping to find the sun again. And, thank goodness we did.
Arriving at Grayton Beach (under blue skies!)

We drove into Mobile a little ways to get books and maps from a AAA office. Then, on to the Florida coast!
We left the interstate and drove on highway 90 which parallels the shoreline. At times we were driving right along the beach, through little towns. At others, dunes and houses were between us and the water. We made a quick stop at Fort Walton Beach for 2 quilt stores and lunch, then continued on down the coast hoping to find an open campsite. We stopped first at Henderson Beach, but they were full. As we passed Grayton Beach State Park, we took another chance, drove to the campsite and yea! They had a few sites left. So we grabbed one, then drove back to the town to find wi-fi service at a Starbucks and made a few more reservations for the next few nights.
The water was "refreshing"

Grayton Beach has 3 miles of white, white, white sandy beach, and when we returned from town we took advantage of it. It was different from other beaches we’ve been on. First, no walking on the dunes. There was a boardwalk to the beach, and many signs and ropes made sure people stayed on it. The beach was beautiful, but very empty of typical sea detritus. There was some seaweed at the tide line, and that was about it. No sea shells, driftwood, rocks, etc. Just sand and surf. At least there was a surf. Not a big one, but still, it makes an ocean sound that’s wonderful to hear.
Artsy shot showing off sugar white sand

Our campground is quiet, and private. There are lots of scrubby bushes and trees between each site, so we don’t really see anyone else. The trees are such an interesting mix of smaller deciduous trees, small pines and even palm trees!
Huge empty bird's nest next to our site

It rained most of the morning, but the afternoon gradually cleared up and we had clear blue skies and sun by the late afternoon, and a high of 73 degrees. It was very pleasant on the beach because there wasn’t a wind.
Judy reading while dinner is grilling

The drive here wasn’t all small towns. A large part of it reminded us of Vegas, of all places. Huge hotels, casinos, shops all along the highway, very touristy. We were glad to leave that part behind us.
Sunset just behind us

It has cleared up, and is warmer, but still humid. We find our towels don’t dry as quickly or completely as they did in west Texas, and the sheets are a bit damp. But so is our skin, so we’re not having to slather on the lotion like we did in the desert.
People often ask us about Howie, and we love to show him off. Tonight a couple from Florida asked us about our rig. They are renting a class C rig, and wondering what to buy for themselves. We always say Howie is perfect for 2 people. We’ll have to amend that to 2 short people. The guy was 6 feet 3 inches, and could not stand up in here. Guess he’ll have to look for a different rig!
Total miles driven today=156