These nine days were filled with lots of baseball and activities that supported that endeavor: cooking, eating, and buying supplies to accomplish the task at hand. The weather cooperated by ranging from a low of 61 to a high of 94. The wind did kick up a couple of times that caused Rick and Harris to reach for the long sleeved shirts and hoodies, but overall it has been near perfect. What follows is an assortment of pictures of that give a glimpse of what transpired.
Rick and Harris found yet another place to play Boccie ball.
This one is right on the way to the ball game between Winco
Grocery and Peoria Sports Complex. Harris did give Rick a scare
in one of the 10+ games played by scoring more than
a few points (most of the time it was 15 to less than 5)
They had to admire the way this guy got Mark Mcguire's
autograph. He sent the little girl along with the wife to get the
autograph by the field and he waited in the shady stand for their return.
Voilà! Signed autographed bat.
Harris admired the fan with the most comfortable
seat in the house although the young fan missed much of the action.
Our RV neighbors, Gayle and Lionel, for the past couple of years
went to see Hillary at a Phoenix rally. They waited 3+ hours to get
went to see Hillary at a Phoenix rally. They waited 3+ hours to get
front row seats and this photo op (and photo bomb).
One of many great sunsets at the RV
One of the many salads on the menu, this one large enough for an
entire meal; avocados added much to them.
Harris kept the chicken warm for a later dinner by
placing it under Howie's hood for an hour.
A "leftover" meal made with caned gravy; one of their favorites.
On a day with a night game, Harris and Rick took on
the 5 hour task of washing and waxing Howie.
One of our dinners ...chicken salad.
Harris took on the job of looking for desserts like this one
that was on sale during the daily food stops on the way
to the game.
Rick took on the job of beer sampler. He found this one
that called Boddingtons that was the first to include a
widget that gives a very creamy draught style head
when opened. He declared it a success.
One of their great dinner finds was a breaded Italian chicken
Parmesan precooked dinner that only needed to be microwaved
for a couple of minutes.
All in all, it's been a great time! They are awaiting their wives with great anticipation.