Friday, January 24, 2014

Hanging out in Howie during the Christmas Gathering

Sunday Dec. 23rd -Tuesday Dec. 31 (Days 344-354)

This Christmas we had a full house with all of our kids and their significant others. This made for quite the gathering. So, Harris and Judy slept out in Howie, parked in our driveway for the duration.

The Campground. Luckily the snow melted before everyone came. And it sure was quiet out in Howie!

 The awesome Thomas kids.

 Tasha and Ewan taking River for a "Test Drive".

 Ewan's dad, Alan.

Everyone's favorite, River.

 Reliance, Serenity, River, Kyle....quite the family

All in all it was a great "camping trip" and one of our best Christmases ever! 

Miles driven = zero! (Great gas mileage too)