Our 35th wedding anniversary. Others may go to Europe, or cruise somewhere, but we go camping. Hey, what do you expect? We went camping on our honeymoon. We just do it with more style and comfort now that we’re getting old.
Stopping in the sun at Vantage

Seattle has been nothing but rain, and true to our geocache name, we were seeking the sun. So, we decided to take a small, quick trip to Eastern Washington. We’ve never spent any time in Moses Lake, and the weather looked okay there, so off we went. We decided to wait to do our daily walk until we found more sun, but it was still 10 before we drove out of the driveway. The first time. Oops! We need the extra key. Second start out the driveway. Wait! We need more air in the rear suspension. Third start out. Stop! Judy wants the case for her glasses. Stop again! Harris wants his small flashlight. Good thing we didn’t forget the big stuff! Finally we drove away for real.
Judy is "shut down" again

We drove through rain until we stopped on the other side of Snoqualmie Pass at Indian John rest stop. We picked up a brochure advertising a winery near Vantage, but alas, they were closed on Tuesdays. We had a quick sandwich (oops, forgot the mayo!) and drove on to Vantage. This is another spot we’ve always waved to on our way east, so this time we stopped at the Ginkgo Petrified Forest State Park. Guess what else is closed Tuesdays? Yep, the visitor center. So, we had a quick look-see at the displays that were outside and the petroglyphs. We drove 2 miles further on the road to find the interpretive trail, and took our walk. There was a breeze that kept us comfortable walking up the hill in the sunshine. The trail took us past about 20 stumps of petrified trees, including one Ginkgo. Apparently it’s one of the few places on the planet were you can find a petrified Ginkgo. The stumps were all encased in cement squares, with wire mesh across the tops to keep out souvenir seekers. The signs warning hikers to watch out for rattlesnakes made Judy nervous, but thankfully we didn’t see any.
Harris and Judy in their leaner years...(Vantage Petroglyphs)

We pulled into our campground in Moses Lake about 4, registered, then went on to the town to get a few things for dinner. Harris was able to try out his new small gas grill tonight. (No cover here, alas, and there were a few sprinkles.) He cooked our steaks to perfection. We toasted each other with rum and Cokes and dug in.
Judy showcasing the sunlight and dry topgoraphy

Another quick walk, and then cards. We played Chicago Rummy, which is a very different game when there are only 2 players. The score was close until the very last hand, when Harris laid down first and wiped Judy out. Happy anniversary!
Harris using his new pride and joy

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