We left Hermiston before 9, and only stopped in Ellensburg for gas and a quick sandwich. We reached home about 1:30. It was a beautiful drive all the way, and sunshine and blossoming trees when we arrived.
(Everyone who reads this blog knows we’ve returned home already, but we’re posting this just to wrap up the trip.)
This was our longest trip so far in Howie. Harris was gone from home a good 3 months, and Judy 2 months. We had a great trip, saw some new states, and loved seeing Kyle and Keith. Our house seems so big to us now! But it’s good to get home to our own bed. We still wake up in the morning thinking, “what city are we in again?”…”oh yeah, we’re home”. Howie survived, with minor dings. We lost the cover to the light on the back, over the doors. We still have a minor leak in the bathroom. Howie needs a good wash and wax, and an oil change.
Crossing into WA we noticed the high water level

Harris is ready to head out again, as soon as the oil change is done. Judy’s ready to get a few things done around the homestead, which is probably why Harris is ready to head out again!
Ahh WA...vineyards and snow capped mountains

Miles driven today= 278
PS- Harris was able to unload stuff from Howie, turn around and get in his car and drive to Seattle, and make it for first pitch as the Mariners faced the Minnesota Twins.