Monday, March 19, 2012 Day 281
Rick takes off
(notice how excited he is)
When Judy left Lake Stevens early this morning there was snow on the ground. As she writes this blog entry in Clifton AZ, there has been snow on the ground. What gives?
Heading toward Superstition Mountain
By the time Harris picked up Judy Rick had been on the road for a couple of hours. They had breakfast at the café just outside the RV park to make a quick getaway. As Rick drove away Harris was already thinking how much fun next year’s trip will be. Soon thereafter Harris was on his way to pick up Judy at the airport.
One of 3 passes with snow or snowing as we crossed
Phoenix wasn’t too bad, just a bit chilly (especially for Harris), but as we drove east the weather grew rainy, windy, and snowy (!), with just enough sun breaks to keep us guessing. We drove out on highway 60, then 70 and finally 191. We are detailing the numbers here because we kept thinking we’re driving over some new-to-us territory. Then we’d see a sign or sight that reminded us we’d been here before! (That’s why we write a blog, to keep track of things our failing memories don’t.)
One of many neat cloud formations today
Five hours later (we stopped for groceries), we’ve ended up in Clifton, on the east side of the state near the New Mexico border. We’re at North Clifton RV park, which seems to be a very nice one. It’s the first time we’ve used our new Passport America. We made a quick dinner inside Howie, because, even though it has stopped raining and snowing and blowing, it’s only about 40 outside. Thank goodness for heaters!
Descending into Clifton, AZ
Total miles driven today= 240
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