Friday, July 25, 2014

Off to Mount St. Helens

Monday July 21 - Tuesday July 22nd -   (Days 391- 392)

We were headed out for a short camping trip with Marilyn and Gene, and decided to add an extra day to go to Battleground. Judy wanted to visit her brother, Ralph. Monday was a gorgeous warm day, and we had a leisurely start....meaning we left around noon. We weren't expected before dinner, so that was all right.
As we neared the town of Kalama, our little sat-nav, Tom-Tom, told us there was a traffict jam up ahead, that might add an extra 20 minutes to our trip, so we decided to ask Tom-Tom to find us a detour. Hmmm. We left the freeway and climbed and climbed and climbed on a road up Green Mountain, then came down and down and down back to the freeway about 3 miles further than we had been....a detour that took us 20 minutes! But we did get to see this gorgeous view of the valley.

Ralph and Charlotte fixed us a great dinner of salmon, corn on the cob, sweet potato julienne fries, and homemade rolls. They had their granddaughters from New York visiting, so it was an extra special visit for us.


We camped in the driveway, and the next morning Judy talked the girls into playing Banangrams with her. It was fun watching them come up with words and they did a great job with very little help.

We left Battleground around 11 and drove north about an hour and a half to meet Marilyn and Gene at our campground at Mossyrock. This is a Tacoma Power Park, not a state park, and is situated on a lake formed by the Mossyrock Dam.

The loops by the lake were pretty full, but our loop, up above was full of open spaces..and much quieter.

This little deer was browsing near our spot when we drove up.

We took a short walk around the campground and down the road about a half mile to a quilt shop we had passed. This house along the road obviously doesn't welcome people!

 Judy couldn't resist checking out the quilt shop just outside the park entrance.

Marilyn made us a terrific dinner of beef fondue, salad, garlic bread and fresh tomatoes from her garden. As we've said before, camping with her is definitely gourmet all the way!

The sunset was made dramatic because the clouds were rolling in. It started raining in the night, and kept it up, all the next day!

 So, on Tuesday, we decided to put off the planned hike and drive up to Mt St Helens, even though we knew we wouldn't see the mountain itself. We stopped at one visitor “center” (more of a gift shop) and we all bought these great jackets that were on sale. We decided to wear them right there and then, because it was definitely getting colder...and rainier....

At the Johnson Observatory Center, we watched a movie about the explosion in May of 1980. At the conclusion of the movie, the screen recedes, the curtain opens, and you're supposed to be awed by the sight of the mountain...which was covered in clouds at this point!

But, on our way back down the road, the clouds began to lift and we had to stop to take a few shots of the mountain...quickly before it got covered up again!


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