Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Howie goes to a wedding in the woods

Thursday September 3rd - Tuesday September 8th (Days 446-451)

Our youngest, Keith, got married this week at Anderson Lodge outside of Ariel, WA. It is a retreat center with many buildings and beautiful scenery. We had company arriving all week, and on Thursday, we slept in Howie in our driveway to make room for them.
On Friday, 3 carloads of people and "stuff" set off for about a 4 hour drive to the lodge. Kyle and Serenity took trays of wine glasses in the van, Dwight and Sana took boxes of wine in the Avalon, and Harris and Judy took food for the masses in Howie.

Friday night we gathered with about 40 of the guests for the rehearsal dinner. Many hands make light work, and many people helped us cook and serve.

Joe delights in starting the fire for the burgers and brats which were accompanied with beans, slaw, chips, cookies, and 6 varieties of home made beer.

The rehearsal goes like most rehearsals go...totally discombobulated and off the tracks!

"And then we..."

Three of the many people who helped put it all together.
Dwight and Sana went above and beyond the call of friendship and cooked and cleaned all weekend with us. 

Howie finds a great place to witness the entire event.

Setting up the sound system in the great outdoors. Everything was beautifully set up in advance, and then the rain rolled in. The ceremony was delayed for a few minutes, and when the sun broke through, guests were given towels and asked to dry off their chairs. :) 

Two of the many campers that helped put on the show.

The proud parents ready for the big event.


Serenity and Kyle giving River some last minute flower girl instructions. 

The rain clouds parted for the actual exchange of the vows.

A big bonus for Harris and Judy was seeing their friends at such special events. Everything got done, The kids were married, the dinner served, and we danced the night away. Keith and Theresa wanted a "camping" wedding, where their guests could stay and visit for more than a few hours. Some guests stayed the entire 4 days, others came and went. On Sunday morning, Keith challenged his mom to join him in "beer pong"....a first for Judy. He kindly designated someone to drink the beer in the cups, since Judy hates beer. Judy and Keith only lost the game by one cup!


Judy scores in her first beer bong event ever with expert coaching from Keith.

Howie took us home on Sunday afternoon, very tired but happy for the newly weds. Keith, Theresa and some of their friends stayed another day before heading off to their homes around the country.

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