Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sunday at Yellowstone

Candy and Rick left Sunday morning, and Marilyn, Gene, Jeff and Mary arrived. Harris had been patiently asking at the check in place every day if something would open up for Marilyn and Gene, and his persistence paid off. They are in our loop, a few campsites away from us, but at least we’re all set for the week. Jeff and Mary parked next to us and set up their tent….which made us appreciate our Howie all the more. The weather has been gorgeous, sunny and downright hot until late Sunday afternoon. Marilyn, Gene, Harris and Judy went for a short hike to Natural Bridge, and the clouds rolled in just as we returned. Thunder cracked and the rain started coming down. We do have a netted shelter over the table, courtesy of Mary. We’ll see how long we can stand to be out there…we’ve become so spoiled!

Mary and Jeff trying to remember how it all goes together

Looks good!

The sun came out again in time for dinner. Mary and Jeff brought beef fondue for everyone…wow! What a meal for campers! We played hearts after dinner with a double deck, which makes it just about impossible to shoot the moon. Sometime in the middle of the night we were awakened with a booming thunder and lightning storm, and the rain poured down. We saw lots of people this morning packing up their wet tents. We don’t miss those days one little bit! We put in our time, paid our dues, and we deserve our comfort in our old age, right?

Us at the top of the Natural Arch

Us at the bottom of Natural Arch

The Marina just below our campground

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