Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July with Candy and Rick

Wednesday, July 4, 2012 (Day 229)

Rick and Candy showcasing Pisco Sour

While hearing about Peru from Candy and Rick, they told us about a drink they discovered called a Pisco Sour. It’s made from a white brandy from the Pisco region of Peru which is south of Lima. Since the liquor stores were closed today, we decided to try a variation with Christian Brothers brandy. Rick and Candy blended the ice, brandy, sugar, lemon juice, egg whites, and a touch of bitters. The first batch was deemed “acceptable—although different from the Peruvian version” as we watched the second half of the Peru Adventure photo show. It was interesting how the drink was deemed better and better as we continued to imbibe.

Long time watering hole, Stacie's Bar

After scoping out the possibilities we agreed to head to Big Sky to see the Seattle band called Freddy Pink. We stopped on the way at Stacie’s Bar for lunch. It doesn’t look like much from the outside, but once inside the Montana décor is warm and inviting. We spent some time looking at the pictures and posters on the walls.

The classy interior

We had some extra time before the concert so we stopped at an open house just 9 miles from the ski hill and for a mere 1.6 million…

The water jumping bison of old poster

The weather at the concert lawn was perfect with temps in the low 80’s, sun on our backs and a few clouds to provide some extra cooling relief. The band started promptly at 7PM Montana time (7: 10 to the rest of the world) with a variety of music (Chicago to blues). We left after the first 90 min. set so we could play some cards and have another round of Pisco sours while listening to the fireworks on the front porch. In short, we had a great 4th.

Freddy Pink Seattle bank rocking out in Big Sky

Total miles driven today=0

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