Monday, October 1, 2012

Another Lazy Day in Cove Palisades ST Park

September 30, 2012 (Day 247)

We woke up with good intentions…but again, we started talking to our neighbors, and ended up just taking a short walk through the brush to the fence that keeps you from going over a 600 foot cliff. There is a great view of the Crooked River below. (or maybe it’s the lake formed from a dam..we’ll find out later)

We had communicated with Marilyn and Gene a few days ago, and they decided to join us on their way north from Yosemite. So we grabbed a campsite long enough for their new trailer and reserved it for them before we went off on a quick trip to Madras for wi-fi and groceries. Although why we thought we needed any groceries with Marilyn arriving!

Harris went off to find the ranger and pay for our spot for the night, and ended up talking to this guy with his Model T. Dennis Printz (sp?)has worked on model T’s for over 30 years and was camping with this one when it broke down during the 200 mile camping trip. He said that he once took it back to Model T convention in Illinois, a trip of over 2000 miles without a mishap. It was headed back to the homestead for repairs.

We admired Marilyn’s new trailer, and enjoyed the great dinner she cooked for us: fried chicken, rice pilaf, salad, zucchini, fresh bread sticks, wine and dessert. Nothing like camping in style!

Marilyn and Gene’s new trailer has plenty of room to play cards, so we finished the evening with Phase 10, which Marilyn won.
Perhaps tomorrow we’ll get some hiking or geocaching done!

Total miles driven today = 28

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