Well, there was no knock on Howie’s door last night. Harris enjoyed a long hot shower before retiring for the night. Last night he also met to buy an Oregon 400t gps from a person on Craigslist. This morning he put it to the test and it looks like Harris has his geocaching mojo back! He went 3 for 3 while taking a different route to the ballpark. Harris likes the fact that the menu is very customizable and that it has a touch screen. Time to sell the old ones. While driving a different route, he stumbled upon his favorite grocery store—Winco’s. He picked up some ball park snacks and proceeded to the game.
Can you figure out why this was called "Hole-y Cache Batman!"
The Mariners did not play today so Harris chose to watch the Dodgers and Padres game at Peoria. There was half the number of people that show up for a Mariners game (today’s attendance was 3008) so there were plenty of seats in the shade. Harris scored a whole row just in front of the announcer’s booth. While watching the game Harris surmised that there was a player’s wife just below him (Rick and Harris have become very adept at spotting the wives after several years of Spring Training people watching. The astute Harris figured out she was Kyle Blank’s (#88) wife and she was very personable and easy to chat with (she’s been to 6 spring training sessions, has houses in the area and San Diego, loves the climate, and goes to games both solo and with other wives). Kyle grounded out to third, exploded with a triple, and drew a walk. Darn good considering he’s been injured much of the last two seasons.
Where Harris likes to shop...
The game was pretty much all Padres with the game ending 7-3. Skies were clear at the start, but slightly overcast as the game progressed. Afterwards, it was time to head home at grill a steak for dinner. He’s looking forward to using the grill now that he’s at a camping spot.
How Harris figured out who's wife she was
Total miles driven today = 22
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