Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring Training 2014 part 9 (Wrapping up Spring Training)

Friday  March 21th - Wednesday March 25th  (Day 379- 384)

Life after Rick left has been pretty much the same. Wake up, take a walk, head to a ball park (while stopping for a dinner selection to cook later), meet some folks at the game, return to the RV campground, and check in with Judy before watching something downloaded onto the computer. All of this is while in 80+ degree days and 55 degree nights. Not a bad way to spend March.

 The last meeting between the Padres and Mariners was a night game
 and the place was sold out with 12,500+ fans. Harris
had his usual seat.

And the fireworks were grand (for a Spring Training venue).

Most meals include a healthy salad...

The favorite place for tailgating is Surprise Stadium. 
Green grass (and plenty of it), happy folks, and sunny days.

Harris discovered power and plugged into it to use the micro wave and watch a 
program while waiting for a night game on his next to last day.

Harris was offered the use of a grill to cook his
brats and a burger to occupy his time while 
cooking. He turned down the burger.

But joined in the conversation with the KC Royals fans. 
They also arrived several hours early.

The finished product...with leftovers for the last game tomorrow.

Gorgeous night for the game. 85 degrees at game time. 

King Felix gave up 2 runs in the first inning and then 
settled down. Meanwhile the team backed him up with 9 runs.
He did his traditional walk after every strike out (6 for the 5 innings)
Final score was 9-5.

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