Saturday, April 25, 2015

Off to Wenachee and Lake Pearrygin

Thursday April 23- Saturday April 25 (Days 433-436)

In what has become an annual tradition, it was time to join Marilyn and Gene (Judy's sister and brother-in-law) in Eastern Washington for some fishing at Pearrygin Lake with a stop in Wenatchee. The weather turned cool, but at least it was dry. Harris and Judy left Thursday after dental appointments and arrived at Wenatchee Confluence Park in mid afternoon.

 Thursday night's dinner was Mediterranean salmon burgers provided by Marilyn.

On a walk Friday morning Harris spotted a hawk to try out his Lumix ZS-50 30x zoom lens.

 Gene found one of the caches Harris and Gene looked for on the bike ride while 
the wives checked out several quilt stores Friday.

The destination of the bike ride was the Wenatche  Public Market
where Harris found fantastic clam chowder and 
Gene equally good chili. 

 One the caches was called Bird's Eye View.

Harris cooked Friday's dinner which was nearly as special as Thursday's.

Since Wenatchee Confluence Park was fully booked Friday and Saturday, Harris and Judy moved 4 miles west to Wenatchee River County Park where they stumbled upon a Fake Deer while Face timing  with their granddaughter River.

On the upside, there was great wifi at the park so they could stream the Mariners game. Felix dominated and Harris captured a  Nelson Cruz home run that went into 
the upper deck at Safeco Field.

Saturday was spent at a couple of wineries in Chelan while finding several caches along the way. Also punctuating the trip was an ice cream stop (which had a geocache on the property) and lunch at a Mexican restaurant which Harris talked the group into doing.

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