Sunday, March 21, 2010

A different ballpark

Sunday March 21, 2010 (Day 104)

Today found Harris with his personal trainer, Rick, going through a 45 minute hip, knee, and core strengthening workout. Harris was flagging towards the end but did finish. This was done while engaging in a true male bonding experience—laundry. Rick forgot the soap and Harris needed help with the low tech process of putting quarters into the dryer and selecting which dryer the time was to be allocated to. Harris was dutifully impressed by Rick’s dedication to the workout regimen that he’s been doing since November. Then it was off to another trouncing Harris in bocce before heading to a bb game.

They decided to go to see the Brewers and the White Sox at Maryvale baseball complex since Rick hadn’t yet visited that complex. They decided to stay in the shade and found seats under the center field scoreboard awhile before the game started so they began a Phase 10 game. But they couldn’t hear the announcer so they moved to the left field bleachers. The game ended in a tie after ten innings and another day of baseball was completed. Rick met a soon-to-be neighbor of Bozeman, a retired school teacher, and bragged (ok, displayed a very proud smile) about his wife and her new job in Belgrade, Mt. Dinner was a shared salad and each used up some stored food provisions (Harris a steak sandwich and Rick a king size can of Spaghetti O’s).

Harris stopped by Carl and Anita’s camp to wish them well on their explorations of Tucson as they plan to leave the following day. Then Rick and Harris finished their game of Phase 10 that was started at Maryvale Park (Harris won!) and finished watching The Hurt Locker before turning in early.

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