Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hangin’ out with an old friend (Days 95-97)

March 12-14
Friday- Harris woke up around 7AM and went on a geocaching walk to find 3 caches along the walk. The weather did require a long sleeve shirt for the first 20 minutes but otherwise it was shorts and a t-shirt. This RV campground is great for anyone looking to be close to SD proper including Old Town but for the same price there is another called CampLand that has 2 pools and a hot tub. Camp Club members that were here during the week (discount applies only week days ) were pulling out and heading over there en masse. After breakfast and a shower Harris headed out of camp and spent the day within 2 miles of the campground finding caches. There are a number of parks along the shoreline here and there were many caches. San Diego has done a great job of preserving public access along the shore.

Harris ran into a couple while looking for a cache that sold their house, retired from their jobs in San Diego, and moved into a 40 foot RV to answer a calling to help the homeless. The husband talked about his 20+year career designing water features for clients in the area. Apparently he is well known (but I didn’t write down his name!). They park their rig on the street to save the $50 daily campground fee and earn extra money buy making water sample kits and selling them to companies via the internet. He explained how they make200 sample kits in about 4 days and sell them for 2000.

Homeless Helpers

Pull the plunger...out pops cache!

Later that day, Harris met a guy who had the same year and model of RV. They spent almost an hour talking about improvements done on their rigs. Dick also talked about how he was retired and how he also sold his house and lived full time in his rig. He mentioned that his older brother had the same exact rig that Harris had and that he came to investigate thinking that Harris was in fact his brother. The upgrade that Dick was the most proud of was an electric valve for the waste water tanks, grey and black. With this gadget he could be driving along and push a button and have his tanks empty onto the street or highway. He took pains to explain that only liquid waste was jettisoned. He showed how he dealt with the solids (suffice it to mention that involved using plastic bags). All TP was put in a plastic jug with a flip top. With this and much more newly acquired info, Harris said good-bye and continued on his caching quest.

Dick, a RV expert

At 3:30 he called it a day and went to find John V. house. John is a friend he has known since 8th grade. The last name is being abbreviated because he wants to keep a low profile on the net. John’s wife Mariann is simply a terrific cook. Not only did Harris have healthy and nutritious food, he enjoyed and devoured all offerings. The evening was spent catching up after looking at the wonderful sunset. Their cat, Little Bear, has the personality of a blended Garfield and Odie. His 12 years of people experience was on display as he made his wants and desires known. Of course he knew that Harris is allergic to cats and proceeded to rub and bump him numerous times when Mom and Dad were out of eyesight. The ongoing game was a version of the TV series Prison Break where Little Bear looked for and took advantage of any weakness in the system. Harris was a weakness in the system and accounted for one prison escape.
What San Diego is known for...

Another cache seeker...

A typical breakfast at John's place...

Saturday was a day for Harris and John to eat more great food that Mariann prepared. They also went on a San Diego nostalgia trip after taking Howie to a car wash to make him more presentable in public. John describe a product called RainX and applied it to Howie’s windshield to help with bugs and rain. Harris also tried to fix a scanner computer problem but couldn’t figure it out. Oh well.

Sunday morning Harris forgot about the time change and instead of going for a walk at 7, it was at 8 and resulted in a late start. But the walk along the Rim Trail just around the corner of their house was worth it with sweeping views encompassing several communities along the coast. John mentioned that on the 4th of July, they can see 7 different fireworks programs from their perch on the hill top. Mariann packed a care package for Harris and more than half of it was consumed on the way to Pleasant Harbor, where this blog is being written.

John and Mariann...

His partner in Baseball mania was held up some 500 miles away by a snow storm that blocked one of the passes from Montana. So tomorrow Harris will have to find something to keep him busy while he waits for Rick. Any bets on what Harris will do to pass the time?

The scenary leaving San Diego on I-8 Eastbound...

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