What could possibly entice us to drive across the country for the fourth time in five years? Darn kids...who just have to move away from home...clear across the continent...and then call us and tell us, "There's going to be a baby in late June!" Yep, our first grandchild is expected to be born in Florida in a matter of weeks, so off we go!
We left Thursday, May 30th, in typical NW weather, cold, drizzly rain. Hard to pack the shorts we know we'll need in Florida.
We drove highway 2 over Stevens Pass, enjoying the fact that there was very little traffic on the road and we could just take our time.
And, typically, the weather started to clear up as we headed east of the mountains. We stopped for lunch in Wenatchee, then continued east and picked up several geocaches along the way. It's been a wet spring and the fields were very green with crops.
This is a picture of a pretty church in one of the little towns along the highway. We forgot to take notes, so don't remember which town!
Another town which seemed to be just a wide spot in the road!
Just a pic of a place we found a geocache....
and a neat little trinket inside the cache.
A pretty little roadside chapel beside a cache.
and 2 little calves who came to investigate what we were doing on the other side of their fence. Harris took a picture because one calf just insisted on trying to nurse from the other.
We stopped for dinner in Spokane, and then drove on to Montana. By the time we were crossing the passes in Idaho, the sun was down and the roads were very dark. We eventually stopped for the night at a place called $50,000 Silver Dollar Casino, about 12 hours after we started out! This was only because we putzed our way on highway 2, caching and having to slow down for every little town. But we weren't in a hurry so this was fine. We plugged in behind the casino, made up the bed and crashed for the night. It's just an ok place to park and sleep, nothing pretty or special, but the casino provides power and the price is right....free!
Next morning, it was up and out and heading across Montana...which is beautiful in the spring..especially the western forested part of the state.
Harris got a kick out of this sign, and just had to take a picture of it. We saw 3 of these billboards before we could stop at a safe place to get the picture...sorta safe at least. Harris suddenly took an exit by the sign, backed up (because no one was behind us..they had all passed us pokey people a long time ago!)....and asked Judy to roll down the window and snap the picture. Which she did, reluctantly...telling him there were bound to be more billboards along the highway, and why would he back up for a picture!!!! Guess (?) it was a good thing, because that was the last one we saw!
We arrived at Candy and Rick's in Belgrade in the late afternoon. Rick cooked us a terrific dinner of barbequed chicken, sweet potatoes and green beans. We played cards and talked late into the night before we crashed into bed in their guest room...and only heard the trains 4 times last night!
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