Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bahia Honda State Park

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 (day 201)

Some fellow breakfast eaters

We left the Miami-Everglades area this morning, heading south on highway 1. We ended up in the “lower keys” as they say, at Bahia-Honda state park. The highway through the keys is interesting. It feels like one straight line south, although it isn’t really. It goes over bridges and causeways. It runs like a thin little ribbon with water on both sides. It goes through small towns full of shops selling boat tours, dive tours, adventure tours, etc. For most of the day, the sky was blue, the sun was hot, and the water was a beautiful shade of green.

One of two nurseries that surrounded the Miami Everglades RV park

Our geo caching mojo is back! We found every one we stopped at today, (13), only skipping ones that were on the opposite side of the highway, figuring we’d get those on our way back north. One thing we’ve always loved about geocaching is the interesting places it takes you.

What the "Aarrgh" geocache led us to

We stopped at one (Birds of a Feather) that was at a bird sanctuary. It was a funky little place, with a boardwalk path that led you past many cages of birds. It seemed sad to see birds in cages, but the signs explained these were rescued birds. Some had been abandoned as pets (the parrots), some had been injured and could not be released again into the wild. There were places where the birds were not in cages, and it was so interesting just to sit quietly and watch the pelicans, the egrets and the herons. While Judy was making lunch here, Harris went off to find the cache and ran into a caching family from Switzerland that had spent the morning swimming with the dolphins. We shared some caching stories and then they were off on their way while we had lunch.

What "Birds of a Feather" cache led us to

The loud-mouthed parrot Fred

A Great White Heron

Ivis (???)

A pair of Barred owls

At another stop we saw what we were later told was an iguana; it was easily 3 feet long from head to tail and it could scamper fast! It reminded us of Jurassic Park and we were glad it moved AWAY from us. One cache took us next to a park that had a drop-dead water view and one of our first caches today took us to a pirate ship that takes folks on a sunset cruise. It looked ready to be in the movies.

The 3' Iguana we saw

When we finally arrived at our park at around 4:30, we had an afternoon libation and snack, played a quick game of Quarters (Harris won), and found 2 more caches that were inside the park. It started to rain a little, so we hustled back to Howie to make our dinner. Later we went for a short walk in the dark just to see the stars and the crescent moon shining on the water. It’s a beautiful night with the temperature in the upper 70’s (at 10 PM). Once again, we are glad to be plugged in so we can use the AC.

Our campsite at Bahia Hondo that we lucked into

Total miles driven today=105

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