Monday, April 11, 2011

There’s rich, and then there’s really rich

Sunday (Day 205)

We hung around Howie all day letting our sunburns simmer down. We unrolled the awning and had a few rum and cokes while reading. Then we headed to the pool to cool off. Repeat!

Total miles driven= 0

One of many yachts we saw today

Monday, April 11, 2011 (day 206)

Triple A for boats

We had a rather lazy morning, then headed to downtown Ft. Lauderdale to take the water taxi. Apparently, Ft. Lauderdale is known as the “Venice of America”. The water taxi costs $20 for an all day, on and off again, ride. It takes a “leisurely” cruise along the Intercoastal Waterway, which is a channel between the city and the Atlantic Ocean. (on the other side of peninsulas/islands).

A luxury liner leaving port
(too bad we left our passports at home)

There are many “streets”, just like in Venice, which are little canals. Houses are located right on the canals. Boats are parked in the front of the houses. Did we say houses? Boats? Mega mansions and mega yachts are more like it. After a while, it became a little numbing….there were so many mansions, so many yachts, each one seemingly bigger or better than the last.

A typical avenue on the tour

Paul Allen has 2 yachts here. Many famous people have homes here. There was a crew member on board who sold tickets and narrated the cruise…telling us who built this place, or who lived here. We got on and off a few times, so some of the jokes became redundant. But we thoroughly enjoyed our day on the water, under a cover, out of the sun. The breeze was just enough to keep us comfortable and made being in a river taxi the best way to spend the 88 degree day.

The boat doesn't obscure the view!

Seeing a mansion or yacht or two can be exciting. Seeing hundreds of them is a little overwhelming. Each one represents so much money. What else could be done with so much money?

One of the "smaller" boats

We made it back to the RV park at a little past 9PM and the air felt much cooler. Perhaps our blood is thinning.

The guide told us this was the first condo built in the U.S.

The evening glow on skyscraper row

Ton's sunset on the way homeight

Total miles driven today=13

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