Saturday, April 7, 2012

St.Augustine Pre wedding day

Friday, April 6, 2012 Days 298 & 299

Thursday was spent purchasing stuff for the rehearsal dinner and wedding day food. Marilyn and Harris went shopping while others readied the rental house. After wonderful weather all week the wind suddenly made its presence known. It's been blustering all day with wind gusts of 40+.

Serenity and Kyle rented a tent in case of rain. It may now serve a purpose of shelter from the wind. The forecast differs on when the winds should subside. Any time from 11PM, which didn't come to pass since I'm writing this early Saturday, to sometime early evening the day of the wedding. We shall see and make preparations in case the wind sticks around.

Not everyone was disappointed in the wind...

These folks are prepping for a wedding just down from us and eventually had to take it indoors. We're keeping our fingers crossed.

Al and Keith killing some time.

After a rehearsal dinner of burgers, salmon burgers, and brats (food kind of brats) Kyle and Serenity were presented with some bottles of wine for "special occasions".

And Kyle and Serenity presented gifts to people including the chef of the wedding day meal.

A few of the attendees watching on. Tomorrow is the big day.

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