Since the shuttle was cancelled there was a rush to “extend” reservations until the next try (in a couple of days and then changed until Monday). Harris happened to be watching the TV news and caught the cancellation notice early and ran all the way (well, most of the way) to the office. There were only 3 people there, but by the time he extended there were 10+ people in line. He felt sorry for the gal. We were also able to change sites from one that had rv’s crowded all around us to one that was on the outside of the loop and fronted an open space across a creek. It was 300% better with a feeling of being in a public park rather than squished together like many private ones.
Our new and improved campsite

Saturday, April 30, 2011 (day 225)
A regular cache we found today

Yesterday turned out to be a lazy day. The shuttle did not go off as planned. There is a problem with a couple of heaters that they are trying to get fixed by Monday. This day or 2 delay is driving us nuts. If they would say it’ll be a month, we’d give up. When they say it’ll be a day or two or three, we hang on hoping we’ll see it!
We're calling this our 800th cache!
(because it's so cool)

We took one long walk yesterday, then hung around the campground, reading, playing cards, walking, relaxing. So, today we decided to go somewhere new.
The hint on this one was "be a swinger"

There is a quilt store in the town just south of us, Cocoa, so we headed that direction. Quilt stores are an opportunity to look for geocaches, so, of course we did that too. Good thing we did, cuz the quilt store was kind of a bust.
A cache took us to this lunch spot

But we did find 9 geocaches before we got too hot to do any more. It was 83 degrees today. Some were easy, some were hard, some were just not there. (We refuse to think we just didn’t find them!) We knew we were close to a milestone (800 finds) so we took pictures of each one in case that was the magic number. Turns out we only needed 2 more to get to 800, so now we’re at 807!
A heron sharing our lunch spot

One of the caches led us to a very small park at the bottom of a short but steep hill. Judy talked to a woman there while Harris looked for the cache. She was older than us, probably in her 70’s, with a fully loaded pack on her back. Judy asked her where she was hiking. She said she was just going up and down the hill, because it was the only hill around. (true, Florida is soooo flat.) She was getting in shape to join a friend in 2 weeks to hike a section of the Appalachian trail in Virginia. She has done the whole trail once, and is now hiking sections now with various friends. Wow!
Zoom in to see the nano cache
(it's a pinkie nail sized magnet)

After our caching, we returned to camp for a short dip in the pool to cool off. Harris grilled an excellent steak for dinner, and beat Judy at cards. Oh well, he needed some consolation. The XM radio is working great, except for the Mariner station…that’s not coming in so well, so he can’t listen to the game. Darn.
A camoed cache

Total miles driven today=35
Another interesting cache we found today