Sunday, April 3, 2011

Laundry Day in Fort Meyers

Saturday, April 2, 2011 (day 197)

Good thing we have this blog going…we have to look back to see where we were just yesterday. Either our memories are failing, or all this traveling is beginning to blur together.

Wish we had a canoe...

This morning we took a walk through the Koreshan State Historic Site, which is just down the road from the campsite. We were surprised by its size, and decided to go back later with our camera. We also walked down to the river and saw the area where people were launching canoes, kayaks, and other small boats. By happenstance we also saw people preparing for a 112th reunion of the Koreshan descendants.

One of the Koreshan homes circa 1920

When we returned to the historic site, we were lucky enough to tag along with a ranger giving a tour to a local reporter. We also watched a video about the history of the Koreshan movement. Cyrus Teed apparently saw himself as the “7th” messiah, and his followers were greatly surprised when he died and did not come back. The community had about 200 people at its height in the early 1900’s, mostly women. After seeing the video, we could see why. Cyrus Teed was the leader, but he had a “co-leader”, a woman. Also, 7 women served on a supreme council, basically ruling below the two leaders. We saw a display outside one building, talking about how the men did the laundry for the entire colony every day. Sounds like a pretty good deal for the women! We also got to see a demonstration of a diesel engine that generated electrical power for the colony.

Why Judy would've considered joining...

Harris took a picture of one display that explains some of the basic beliefs of Teed….how the universe is inside the earth, etc. Pretty crazy stuff. He must have been very charismatic to get others to believe this stuff.

Volunteers demoing the diesel electric generator

The campground was full for tonight, so we moved 15 miles up the road to a private RV park. We had another R and R day, doing laundry and spending time by the pool. (and in the pool..the water was a warm 90 degrees, but the pool was only big enough to bob around in). We decided to go into Fort Meyers Beach for dinner. Fort Meyers Beach is a huge tourist area, full of people, shops, restaurants, hotels, etc. We walked out on the pier for a quick look, then went to an Italian restaurant for dinner. The food was good, but the “entertainment” was not. Some guy was singing along to karoke, very loudly, and as a consequence everyone was speaking very loudly as well. We came back in time to listen to the Mariner/Athletic game on XM radio. Harris is happy!

Can you find Howie?

Edit /update at 7mins after midnight… Mariners win 5-2 by getting 3 runs in the top of the 9th! This never would have happened last year. Ichiro stole 2 bases tonight and this also would not have happened last year.

Why we tend to avoid tourist attractions

Total miles driven today= less than 40

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Harris -- Just checking in to see where you are, and wow, Fort Meyers! Somebody's been logging miles. I'm still in AZ, though finally out of the Parker/Havasu area. Drop me an email when you get a chance -- I've got a few questions for you.