Sunday, April 3, 2011

A tribute to baseball bud Rick

Sunday, April 3, 2011 (day 198)

Another lazy day. We stayed up late last night, making plans and reservations for campgrounds in the Keys, and listening to the Mariners win. We started off taking a short walk around the park and then went down the road and toward some stores, so we were gone a bit longer than we had planned for. (ie, no sunscreen, not a good idea!)

Two ducks guarding a cache in Ft. Meyer

After breakfast, we decided to do a little geocaching around this area. Hmmmm. We’re really wondering if we’re losing our geo-sense, or mojo, or something. We did find 3, but were stumped on others. One was frustrating. We walked over a mile down a bike path, in the hot, hot sun with no shade, only to be skunked at the end. We gave up and came back to the park for a swim and late lunch.

This cache had free citrus payoffs!

One of our caches today took us by a roadside sign that caught our attention. It said “10,000 lakes meet the Sunshine state” and had the Twins’ logo. Harris immediately pulled over and had to investigate for the sake of his baseball bud Rick. He was able to walk onto the playing field (gate was open and no one in sight) to take a few shots to post for Rick. He reverently walked around the infield and thought that perhaps someday Rick and Candy would visit and think about the time Harris had come to visit.

Rick, these are for you!

The front entrance

Luckily, the gate was open!

Tomorrow we’re heading for the Everglades!

This just in... The Twins just won their first game of the season (and the Mariners lost their first one).

This bench was thoughtfully provided to log our cache

Total miles driven today= less than 30

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