Monday, June 24, 2013

300th day in Howie!

Monday, June 24, 2013 (Day 300)

Another lazy day in Leesburg, Alabama

We're only about 400 miles from Gainesville, Florida, and there is no hurry yet to get there, so we decided to stay another day here. We went to a town about 20 miles away to do some geocaching, and to check out a "real Southern restaurant" that features fried catfish, and fried everything else. Unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately) the restaurant was closed until dinner time. We had planned on eating a late lunch there, but didn't want to hang around for dinner. So, our arteries were saved.

The first geocache Harris found today, called "hanging around." He looked at everything that could be above his head, and then finally looked down and saw it hanging in a grate.

The next one was under a lamp post skirt...easy find...but fun name and container...called "skullduggery".

 This one was a first for looked like a wad of chewed up bubblegum under a picnic table. Luckily it was a plastic replica!

 Harris had seen this type of cache before, so he knew what to do. You have to get some water (from the river below) and pour it into the tube to make the cache container bob to the top.

 When we returned to our camp, we found it was almost empty of campers. Most have gone home for the work week. There were, however, many, many geese taking over the empty campsites and enjoying a swim in the lake. Many geese. Many, many geese.... and geese poop.

Miles driven today = 40

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