Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Driving on through 6 states

Monday, May 9, 2011 and Tuesday, May 10, 2011 (days 234 and 235)

These have been driving days.

Monday we left Sturbridge, MA (about an hour west of Boston) and drove to Knox, Pennsylvania, on the western border of the state. Eastern Pennsylvania has some of the worst roads we’ve encountered, but thankfully when we turned off to I 80, they improved.

Our view of Ohio today

Pennsylvania is a pretty state to drive through. It has lots of wooded hills that were giving us a preview of what fall could look like. Some trees were still in the budding stage, and were different shades of burgundies and yellows. We could just imagine how beautiful it would look in October.

Our camp site for tonight

When we reached western Pennsylvania, more and more farms began appearing. When the wind blew in just the right (or is that wrong?) direction, our campsite had a very distinctive odor.

A walk we took next to our campground

We got up early and hit the road, crossing Ohio almost entirely on state highway 30. (Interstate 80 became a toll road, very expensive for Howie.) It was a great highway for us to use, as we averaged about 65 mph for most of it. We got a very rural view of Ohio, passing farm after farm for most of the day. We continued on highway 30 to Warsaw, Indiana, which isn’t too far from Chicago.

Sturbridge was a little cold at night, making us glad to have our down blanket again. We turned on the heat a bit last night in Knox. Today on our way through Ohio, it really heated up again, probably because there are thunderstorms in the forecast for tonight. It has been a high of 84 degrees, and is very muggy. When we reached our campsite in Warsaw, (a city park), we turned on the air conditioning again for the first time since we left the South behind.

It finally cooled down at sunset

Total miles driven last 2 days=840

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