Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Leaving Texas

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 Day 290

We left Gun Barrel City, TX this morning. The clouds were moving in, but it's still going to be a hot day. We've enjoyed seeing the desert turn to shrubs to trees to forests as we've moved east. As we move into Louisiana, we notice a lot more green fields and forested areas.
Because we're choosing to drive on highways instead of freeways, we see lots of ranches and farm areas. Houses are few and far between. We've seen mobile homes and big fancy mansions, all within a few miles of each other.

Another picture of the forests we're encountering here as we move into Louisiana.

Here is our campsite for tonight, at Ajax Country Livin' Rv park, in Ajax, Louisiana.

There is a small pond here with fish and even 2 alligators, although we have not seen them yet!
Total miles driven today =168

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