Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Training Day 11

Tuesday March 13, 2012 Day 275

Rick in his arrival clothes

As Harris was riding home with the roasted chicken dinner from Costco on the back of his bike, Rick drove up behind him just outside the entrance to the RV park (talk about timing). Rick had completed a second 9 hour day of driving and was ready to get out of his “winter garb”. After dinner and checking in with the wives (each one having wife) the guys head to the Jacuzzi to apply some heat to the sore muscles. It was to be an early night and each headed to their respective rig.

Dinner has arrived.

This morning Harris and Rick head out to the baseball park at 9:30 instead of 10:30 due to a slight misunderstanding about Montana and Arizona time. Harris was wondering why Rick was ready to head out so early but attributed it to Rick being excited about getting to the ball park early. Needless to say the time question was sorted out and the extra hour was put to good use by finding a nearby park and playing this year’s card game—cribbage!

Harris and Rick's morning card game at a local park

They arrived at the park with prepared sandwiches, Cracker Jacks, and bottled water and took in the warmth of the stadium from the refreshingly cool shaded “lawn seats”. There was a Mariner fan from Juneau (Mrs. Frick) seated behind Harris and Rick who had 3 rooms of Mariner memorabilia including a room with a baseball diamond painted on the ceiling. She showed them pictures like a proud grandparent.

The proud Mariner fan, Mrs. Frick from Juneau, AK

The game started off slow but the late innings (especially the 9th) brought many hits and crowd interactions. The final score was Mariners 7-Brewers 5.

The late inning "lawn seats"

Dinner was leftovers along with butterscotch liqueur, Meyer’s dark rum, and the rest of the lemon meringue pie. Today’s cribbage results were Harris 3 and Rick 0. Harris is sure this is a fluke. Tomorrow calls for a double header.

Some happy campers

Total miles driven today=45

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