Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Training Day 16 – Dang it was cold here

Sunday, March 18, 2012 Day 280

Cancer patient's home run trot

Last night’s game was windy and a little cool, but Harris was still in his shorts. During the night the rains came along with some hail and wind. This morning there was rain puddles everywhere. Rick bundled up and went on his “Montana style” run. Harris turned up the heater and waited for his return before making coffee. Today was laundry day so they headed into Peoria to do the laundry where there would be more washers available since Sunday is a big laundry day here at the RV park. The weather looked ominous and there was much discussion on if the Mariner vs Rockies game would be played while they played Phase 10 at the Laundromat. Another option of watching some basketball while eating and playing cards was considered, but in the end they decided to head to the game.

This "little gal" can sing

It was a good thing they went to the game. The sun came out which let Harris shed the jacket and windbreaker. The pregame ceremony included a touching moment of a cancer patient’s wish to do a home run trot around the bases and Harris and Rick got an encore national anthem performance from an eight to ten year old girl who’s voice could make it several TV music talent shows. The game that started slow was starting to become very interesting when the skies darkened and the water let go. In Peoria stadium the only covered areas are the restrooms so Rick and Harris joined the stream darting to them.

Dashing for cover

After a few minutes they decided to forget the game and head to the Chinese restaurant they saw earlier for lunch and some more cards. At least the M’s were ahead at the middle of the 5th inning with a score of 3-2. The food was very good (and cheap too).

Rain, sleet, and hail!

Harris introduced Rick to the Redbox rental as they picked up “J Edgar”. The movie was different. It had lots of time jumping around with some confusing parts, but on the whole was enjoyable while learning some factoids about the agency. Their opinions on the person were not changed. A little before 10 they called it a night.

Rain Delay

Total miles driven today=45

RV park's sky can't decide what to do

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